Our Mission:

Empowering Dogz and Humanz

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We empower and unite rescue dogs and humans, where compassion meets companionship.

We create tailz of courage by rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming severely abused, neglected, and homeless dogs whose adversities serve to inspire humans.
Through education and unwavering advocacy, we strive to eradicate bullying in all its forms, fostering a world where kindness and respect prevail, and stereotyping is eliminated.
We rebuild trust and restore lives by rescuing dogs who have been failed by humans, promote responsible ownership, challenge stereotypes and work to educate, inspire, and support both K9s and humans affected by bullying.
Join uz in helping spread kindness and end cruelty, one paw shake and handshake at a time.

Our Vision

We stand together, paws and hands united, committed to fostering compassion, empathy, understanding, and kindness for rescue dogs and humans.

Our vision is to harness the unique bond between rescue dogs and humans as a powerful platform to inspire compassion, empathy, and connection to eliminate bullying for humans and animals alike.
We stand together, paws and hands united, committed to fostering compassion, empathy, understanding, and kindness for rescue dogs and humans. Through rescue and our community partners and programs, we aim to create a more inclusive and compassionate society where bullying has no place.
We strive to create the β€œThe Who Rescued Who?” Respect Revolution.”
We're on a mission to revolutionize the way we treat one another, sparking a movement of respect, kindness, and dignity that leaves no room for bullying."
The fabric of our work is to promote compassion and respect to create an environment where humans and rescue dogs thrive together.

Photo by
Hermes Rivera
Braveheart Bulliez Rescue

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